Oh, give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock 'n' roll and drift away
Yeah, give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock 'n' roll and drift away
- Mentor Williams
Music moves us. It defines significant moments in our lives: falling in love, breaking up, winning the big game, you name it and music has been there. The artists on our list have been adding to the soundtrack of our lives for decades. But more than that, they are still rockin'. It's not about the genre, it's about getting out there and getting it done.
Click on the "WINNER" button below to view last year's winner of
World record holders, jaw droppers, heroes. No matter how you want to describe them, the people on this list will absolutely surprise and impress you.
Tell us what we got right or who we missed on this list. Also you can nominate for this year.
Age has nothing to do with the ability to rock. Neither does the genre of music for that matter. Music lives in our souls and the musicians on this list have been touching our souls for decades.
View last year's favorites and see who won the rockingest rocker over the age of 50 in 2020.
Love, kindness, innovation, a just cause. All are drivers for those who make change in the world.
If you know a change maker, who happens to be over the age of 50, we want to hear about him or her. Fill out the form to nominate for the 2021 list of Change Makers.